See Southampton Heritage Guides – Sightseeing tours, tour guides and accessible tours

Palmerston Park

Palmerston Park Viscount Palmerston was born at Broadlands, Romsey in 1784. He became a popular Foreign Secretary and later in 1855 Prime Minister. He was a burgess of Southampton and on his death in 1865 a memorial committee was set up to collect money from the public. A statue was unveiled in 1869 in what […]

Polymond Tower

Polymond Tower This largely hidden tower in the north east corner of the Norman town dates from the early 1200’s. It was originally owned and maintained by St. Deny’s Priory as a 28 foot high three-storey structure but fell into disrepair. Nine times Mayor, John Polymond re-built the tower in the 1360’s. However, records from […]

Henri De Portal

Henri De Portal After reading this entry, every time you handle a banknote you will remember Southampton and Henri de Portal. Henri de Portal was born in 1690 at Poitiers in France into a Huguenot family. The Huguenots were French protestants who were inspired by the writings of John Calvin. The term Huguenot was originally […]

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