See Southampton Heritage Guides – Sightseeing tours, tour guides and accessible tours

Lammas Lands

Lammas Lands Our central parks (Watts, Andrews, Houndwell, Hoglands, Palmerston and Queen’s) were once Lammas Lands. They were fields owned by the heriditary burgesses from Candlemas (2nd February) to Lammas Day (1st August). They were divided into strips for growing foodstuffs. After 1st August the fences were removed and the land used for animal pasture. […]

Long House

Long House In Porters Lane, situated near the Town Quay, are the remains of a Norman building about 111 feet long. It is a great example of early Medieval or “Norman” architecture. As the tax was based on the front of the houses, the buildings were usually narrow and long. Long House is also known […]

La Sainte Union

La Sainte Union After the French revolution Catholic education was limited by the state. In 1826 the order of La Sainte Union de Sacre Coeurs was founded to promote catholic education in France. In 1829 the attitude to Catholics in England was easing with the Catholic Emancipation Act. In 1830 the first Catholic church in […]

Richard Lyster

Richard Lyster Sir Richard Lyster was Judge and the Lord Chief Justice of England during the reign of Henry VIII and Chief Baron of the King’s Exchequer from 1546-1552. He married Isabel, the widow of Sir John Dawtrey (collector of customs under Henry VII) and lived with her in the building which is now known […]

lucia Foster Welch

lucia Foster Welch Lucia Foster Welch was born in Liverpool in 1864 and moved to Southampton in 1903. She lived at 61 Oxford Street, in a seven bedroom semi-detached residence – now grade II listed. In 1927, Lucia was elected and became Southampton’s mayor. Lucia Foster Welch was, in fact, Southampton’s first Lady Mayor, first […]

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