See Southampton Heritage Guides – Sightseeing tours, tour guides and accessible tours

Isaac Watts

Isaac Watts Isaac Watts was born in Southampton to a non-conformist family in 1674. His mother was Sarah Taunton the daughter of a Huguenot family and Isaac was the cousin of Richard Taunton who founded a school in Southampton. The site of the house is remembered in a plaque at the rear of the Primark […]

Imposter – Chevalier D’Eon

Imposter – Chevalier D’Eon In 1796 at the height of Southampton’s Spa period a sword fencing match took place. The main attraction was the Chevalier d’Eon born in 1728 in France as a male. He had been a diplomat and a spy and sometimes dressed as a female. Fleeing the French revolution s/he came to […]

Invasion – D Day

Invasion – D Day Southampton had a vital role in the WWII D Day preparations with two thirds of the initial British Assault Force leaving from here. Southampton became Military Area C with the town, in effect, sealed off to civilians. The trees on either side of the Avenue were allowed to grow over forming […]


Italians English wool was in great demand in Europe by the late 1200’s, especially in Northern Italy. The Italians sent ships directly to England from 1305. The great galleys from Florence and Venice brought prosperity to the town. The Venetians sent a yearly fleet with spices, wines, glass, silk, dates, olive oil and ivory and […]

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